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Level 1, Stage 1 – Main Program

Course Curriculum

Introduction to Dragon Tao Kung Fu Online

  • Introduction

Wing Chun Front Stance

Siu Nim Tao – First Form

Wing Chun Punch

Dai Sau and Punch
We will now learn our first technique. This is a high block, mostly used to stop incoming hook punches, while striking with a similtaneous straight punch.

Wing Chun Front Stance – Revision
This lesson we will revise the Wing Chun Front Stance. Practice is important and the stance is one of the most important aspects of our Wing Chun.

Wing Chun Stepping
Learn the basic form of stepping in Wing Chun.

Wing Chun Punch – Revision
It is time to revise the Wing Chun Punch. One of our most fundamental strikes it is a good one to practice as much as you can.

Sui Nim Tao – Revision
We will now revise the first form "Siu Nim Tao". You should get in the habit of practicing Siu Nim Tao as often as possible.

Palm Strike and Side Slash
We will delve into two of Wing Chun's arm strikes. The palm strike and the side slash.

Dai Sau and Punch – Revision
Let's review our technique "Dai Sau and Punch". The hook punch is the most common way someone may attempt an attack, so this techique is of special importance.

Completion of Stage 1 – Summaries
Summaries of all lessons for Stage 1 - Level 1.

Completion of Stage 1 – Exercises
Revision of exercises to complete Level 1 - Stage 1.

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